Drupal Console version 1.0.0-rc25
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-e, --env[=ENV] The Environment name [default: "prod"]
--root[=ROOT] Define the Drupal root to be used in command execution
--debug application.options.debug
--learning Generate a verbose code output
-c, --generate-chain Shows command options and arguments as yaml output to be used in chain command
-i, --generate-inline Shows command options and arguments as inline command
-d, --generate-doc Shows command options and arguments as markdown
-t, --target[=TARGET] Site name you want to interact with (for local or remote sites)
-l, --uri=URI URI of the Drupal site to use (for multi-site environments or when running on an alternate port)
-y, --yes Skip confirmation and proceed
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
about Displays basic information about Drupal Console project
chain Chain command execution
check System requirement checker
exec Execute an external command.
help Displays help for a command
init Copy configuration files.
list Lists all available commands
server Runs PHP built-in web server
shell Open a shell providing an interactive REPL (Read–Eval–Print-Loop).
cache:rebuild (cr) Rebuild and clear all site caches.
config:delete (cd) Delete configuration
config:diff (cdi) Output configuration items that are different in active configuration compared with a directory.
config:edit (ced,cdit) Change a configuration object with a text editor.
config:export (ce) Export current application configuration.
config:export:content:type (cect) Export a specific content type and their fields.
config:export:single (ces) Export a single configuration or a list of configurations as yml file(s).
config:export:view (cev) Export a view in YAML format inside a provided module to reuse in other website.
config:import (ci) Import configuration to current application.
config:import:single (cis) Import a single configuration or a list of configurations.
config:override (co) Override config value in active configuration.
config:validate (cv) Validate a drupal config against its schema
create:comments (crc) Create dummy comments for your Drupal 8 application.
create:nodes (crn) Create dummy nodes for your Drupal 8 application.
create:terms (crt) Create dummy terms for your Drupal 8 application.
create:users (cru) Create dummy users for your Drupal 8 application.
create:vocabularies (crv) Create dummy vocabularies for your Drupal 8 application.
cron:execute (croe,cre) Execute cron implementations by module or execute all crons
cron:release (cror,crr) Release cron system lock to run cron again
database:add (dba) Add a database to settings.php
database:client (dbc) Launch a DB client if it's available
database:connect (dbco) Shows DB connection
database:drop (dbd) Drop all tables in a given database.
database:dump (dbdu) Dump structure and contents of a database
database:log:clear (dblc,dbc) Remove events from DBLog table, filters are available
database:log:poll (dblp) Poll the watchdog and print new log entries every x seconds
database:query (dbq) Executes a SQL statement directly as argument
database:restore (dbr) Restore structure and contents of a database.
debug:breakpoints (dbre) Displays breakpoints available in application
debug:cache:context (dcc) Displays current cache context for the application.
debug:chain (dch) List available chain files.
debug:config (dc) List configuration objects names and single configuration object.
debug:config:settings (dcs) Displays current key:value on settings file.
debug:config:validate (dcv) Validate a schema implementation before a module is installed.
debug:container (dco,cod) Displays current services for an application.
debug:cron (dcr) List of modules implementing a cron
debug:database:log (dbb) Displays current log events for the application
debug:database:table (ddt) Show all tables in a given database.
debug:entity (de) Debug entities available in the system
debug:event (dev) Displays current events
debug:image:styles (dis) List image styles on the site
debug:libraries (dl) Displays libraries available in application
debug:migrate (mid) Display current migration available for the application
debug:module (dm,mod) Displays current modules available for application
debug:multisite (dmu,msd) List all multisites available in system
debug:permission (dp) Displays all user permissions.
debug:plugin (dpl) Displays all plugin types.
debug:queue (dq) Displays the queues of your application
debug:rest (rede) Display current rest resource for the application
debug:router (dr,rod) Displays current routes for the application or information for a particular route
debug:settings (dse) List user Drupal Console settings.
debug:site (dsi) List all known local and remote sites.
debug:state (dst) Show the current State keys.
debug:theme (dt,tde) Displays current themes for the application
debug:update (du,upd) Displays current updates available for the application
debug:user (dus) Displays current users for the application
debug:views (vde) Displays current views resources for the application
debug:views:plugins (dvp) Displays current views plugins for the application
devel:dumper (dd) Change the devel dumper plugin
develop:contribute Download Drupal + Drupal Console to contribute.
dotenv:debug Debug Dotenv debug values.
dotenv:init Dotenv initializer.
entity:delete (ed) Delete an specific entity
field:info (fii) View information about fields.
generate:authentication:provider (gap) Generate an Authentication Provider
generate:breakpoint (gb) Generate breakpoint
generate:cache:context (gcc) Generate a cache context
generate:command (gco) Generate commands for the console.
generate:controller (gcon) Generate & Register a controller
generate:entity:bundle (geb) Generate a new content type (node / entity bundle)
generate:entity:config (gec) Generate a new config entity
generate:entity:content (geco) Generate a new content entity
generate:event:subscriber (ges) Generate an event subscriber
generate:form (gf) Generate a new "%s"
generate:form:alter (gfa) Generate an implementation of hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
generate:form:config (gf) commands.generate.form.description
generate:help (gh) Generate an implementation of hook_help()
generate:module (gm) Generate a module.
generate:module:file (gmf) Generate a .module file
generate:permissions (gp) commands.generate.permission.description
generate:plugin:block (gpb) Generate a plugin block
generate:plugin:ckeditorbutton (gpc) Generate CKEditor button plugin.
generate:plugin:condition (gpco) Generate a plugin condition.
generate:plugin:field (gpf) Generate field type, widget and formatter plugins.
generate:plugin:fieldformatter (gpff) Generate field formatter plugin.
generate:plugin:fieldtype (gpft) Generate field type plugin.
generate:plugin:fieldwidget (gpfw) Generate field widget plugin.
generate:plugin:imageeffect (gpie) Generate image effect plugin.
generate:plugin:imageformatter (gpif) Generate image formatter plugin.
generate:plugin:mail (gpm) Generate a plugin mail
generate:plugin:migrate:process (gpmp) Generate a migrate process plugin
generate:plugin:migrate:source (gpms) Generate a migrate source plugin
generate:plugin:rest:resource (gprr) Generate plugin rest resource
generate:plugin:rulesaction (gpra) Generate a plugin rule action
generate:plugin:skeleton (gps) Generate an implementation of a skeleton plugin
generate:plugin:type:annotation (gpta) Generate a plugin type with annotation discovery
generate:plugin:type:yaml (gpty) Generate a plugin type with Yaml discovery
generate:plugin:views:field (gpvf) Generate a custom plugin view field.
generate:post:update (gpu) commands.generate.post:update.description
generate:profile (gpr) Generate a profile.
generate:routesubscriber (gr) Generate a RouteSubscriber
generate:service (gs) Generate service
generate:theme (gt) Generate a theme.
generate:twig:extension (gte) Generate a Twig extension.
generate:update (gu) Generate an implementation of hook_update_N()
image:styles:flush (isf) Execute flush function by image style or execute all flush images styles
migrate:execute (mie) Execute a migration available for application
migrate:rollback (mir) Rollback one or multiple migrations
migrate:setup (mis) Load and create the relevant migrations for a provided legacy database
module:dependency:install (modi) commands.module.install.dependencies.description
module:download (mod) Download module or modules in application
module:install (moi) Install module or modules in the application
module:path (mop) Returns the relative path to the module (or absolute path)
module:uninstall (mou) Uninstall module or modules in the application
module:update (moup) Update core, module or modules in the application
multisite:new (mun,sn) Sets up the files for a new multisite install.
node:access:rebuild (nar) Rebuild node access permissions.
queue:run (qr) Process the selected queue.
quick:start Download, install and serve a new Drupal project
rest:disable (red) Disable a rest resource for the application
rest:enable (ree) Enable a rest resource for the application
router:rebuild (rr,ror) Rebuild routes for the application
settings:set Change a specific setting value in DrupalConsole config file
site:import:local (sil) Import/Configure an existing local Drupal project
site:install (si) Install a Drupal project
site:maintenance (sma) Switch site into maintenance mode
site:mode (smo) Switch system performance configuration
site:new Download a new Drupal project
site:statistics (sst) Show the current statistics of website.
site:status (ss) View current Drupal Installation status
state:delete (std) Delete State
state:override (sto) Override a State key.
taxonomy:term:delete (ttd) Delete taxonomy terms from a vocabulary
theme:download (thd) Download theme in application
theme:install (thi) Install theme or themes in the application
theme:path (thp) Returns the relative path to the theme (or absolute path)
theme:uninstall (thu) Uninstall theme or themes in the application
update:command:data Update gitbook
update:entities (upe) Applying Entity Updates
update:execute (upex) Execute a specific Update N function in a module, or execute all
update:gitbook Update gitbook
user:create (uc) Create users for the application
user:delete (ud) Delete users for the application
user:login:clear:attempts (ulca,uslca) Clear failed login attempts for an account.
user:login:url (ulu,usli) Returns a one-time user login url.
user:password:hash (uph,usph) Generate a hash from a plaintext password.
user:password:reset (upr,upsr) Reset password for a specific user.
user:role (ur) Adds/removes a role for a given user
views:disable (vd,vdi) Disable a View
views:enable (ve) Enable a View
webprofiler:benchmark Benchmark an url.
webprofiler:export Exports Webprofiler profile/s to file.
webprofiler:list Lists Webprofiler profiles.
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